Future meetings – to be announced – watch your email for more information.
Update: We are attempting to hold hybrid meetings. We have had 2 successful meetings where some members met in person and others met via Zoom. We will continue to plan these types of meetings as we find importance and comfort in meeting in-person as well as extending our reach to those near and far via Zoom.
The New Jersey Carcinoid Network holds regular meetings where we encourage all patients, caregivers, and interested persons to attend. There is no need to RSVP for in-person meetings; however virtual meetings do require a Zoom invitation to attend. You can request an invitation to a Zoom meeting by writing to pat@njcarcinoidnetwork.org . Attire is casual.
There is nothing like walking into a room and meeting others who have traveled a similar path.
From our very first meeting, we tried to have a meeting place that is central to many major highways and as close as possible to as many patients that we knew about.